Monday 29 June 2015

Know me!

Hello, People 

This being my first ever blog post and also the one on which you guys are going to judge weather to follow or no?  I will be a bit less crazy and wacky and will just introduce you to my idea of starting this blog.

I am freaking confusion-box who is still confused about why the eff am I doing this? But as I am soon going to be media student (yes! media, communications and stuff..) and don’t know a shit about blogging but just read a few and got self-inspired to do it so here it is!!

When you google ”how to be a journalist?” and read a few inspiring stories of how a 16 year old was hired to be a journalist by just looking at her blogs and then you see at yourself sitting on the couch like “man! I can be this its easy just write what you feel, and any-which-ways criticism runs in the blood of an Indian so let’s just do it!” 

And, the second reason for starting this is that I just love giving GYAAN (Gyaan- free advices.) and my “friends” say I am good with it, I make them feel positive about their lives problems. So why not use the same “GYAAN-GIVING” power to the world.

So, here it is people!

I am here to help you be positive about your life and its stress by just adding a dash of few of my life-o-logics to your lives.

Wondering why location happy?
Well it’s because I think that every person on earth SHOULD BE happy and should feel only happy, positive feelings.

Why be negative when there is so much to be positive about! Haina?

And, here I am gonna give it a try to make you all happy.Hence, location happy it is!!

 ''Just start what you want to do, don't think    about the end from the start itself.''

P.S- Try to avoid my unsophisticated language and grammatical errors.



  1. Very good!

    I loved the flow. Keep writing.

    All the best.

    Lots of love

    1. Thank you so much! :) would love to write more and more.

  2. Very good!

    I loved the flow. Keep writing.

    All the best.

    Lots of love

  3. Replies
    1. will do keep going onn and onn.
      keep reading :)

    2. will do keep going onn and onn.
      keep reading :)

  4. Wow !
    well expressed.
    There's always a first to everything :)
    keep goin girl! :*

    1. thanks for the positive responses.
      love you dude!

  5. Babe that's awesome😍😍
    Proud of you🙌

  6. Replies
    1. eeeeep thanks a ton :)

      happy happy happy

  7. Awesome work, Nishthi! :)
